
Fixed Gas Installation and Commissioning Service 

Safety Gear Store has years of experience when it comes to fixed gas detection systems.  We are partnered with a number of manufacturers, which include Honeywell Analytics and BW Technologies who are renowned as world leaders in gas detection.  With the full support of industry leaders Safety Gear Store is all about providing the best service possible and maintaining the customers expectations.

  • Safety Gear Store offers bespoke solutions designed with the customer in mind which include sampling systems and wireless systems.

  • We complete free on site surveys to look at your needs and requirements and gather information for your fixed gas detection project.

  • After the installation we will commission your new fixed gas detection system, and provide you with all relevant certificates and completion paperwork.

  • Safety Gear Store is able to offer a wide range of service contracts for your fixed gas detection system, whether this is an existing or a new system we have the capability and experience to offer a bespoke contract to suit your requirements and the service frequency of your fixed gas system. 

  • Safety Gear Store will supply and install a range of fixed gas detection systems from various manufacturers.

  • Our experienced fixed gas team and fully qualified service engineers have a wide range of expertise and are able to design systems to suit your specific requirements.

  • We offer ongoing maintenance and calibration of your fixed system from a number of recognised manufacturers and can build a service contract that will meet your requirements.

  • Nationwide engineers with the experience and knowledge you can trust.

Contact SGS to discuss your fixed gas requirements on 0800 678 5708 or email us at 

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