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Checkmate is the UK’s leading innovator, designer, manufacturer and trainer of lifting and height safety equipment.
Founded by Paul Auston in 1979 and owned by Paul and his son Oliver, who has been CEO of Checkmate since 2006, the business was acquired in June 2018 by The Pure Safety Group, the world’s largest Independent provider of height safety equipment, training and resources. Their UK based facility is now home to the Innovation and Engineering Development Centre for the global business of The Pure Safety Group.
They continue to lead where others follow and this has been recognised with the honour of being granted the Queen’s Award for innovation along with many other prestigious industry accolades.
White Coated Eye Bolt Kit
Inc. Eyebolt, Washer and Warning Disc
Galvanised Eye Bolt Kit
Inc. Eyebolt, Washer and Warning Disc
Various Models Available
0.9 to 1.5 mtr Adjustable Length
Place a purchase order, call or email to get an international shipping quote
SECURED BY SECTIGO (We do not accept AMEX)
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