
Calibration Service of MSA Altair 5X Multi Gas Detector

For price enquiries or technical assistance, please contact SGS on 0800 678 5708 or via the enquiry from at the bottom of this page.

Service and Calibration
Safety Gear Store offers service/repair and calibration for a wide range of gas detection products. The only way to verify that a gas detector or gas monitor is responding accurately, to toxic or flammable gas exposure, is through routine calibration and functional bump tests. Calibration and Service of your personal gas monitors and detectors is a key activity to ensure your units comply with legislation and regulations. Manufacturers of Gas monitors recommend that these meters are calibrated every 6 months to ensure the integrity of the sensors and confirm that the personal gas detector will alarm in the event of a toxic or flammable gas exposure.

In the space of just one month, gas sensors can drift as much as <2% to <5%. This is an undeniable fact for electrochemical sensor technology.

Regular service & calibration ensures:
- 100% accurate sensor technology
- Compliance with vital Health & Safety regulations
- On receipt of your portable gas detectors our engineers will carry out an inspection and carry out the calibration and issue a test certificate
- (If on inspection we find any errors or sensor replacement requirements we will contact you with a quotation to carry out any additional works)

Parts Required
Prices do not include parts, parts are replaced as per manufacturer schedule. Prices will be quoted before work is carried out.

Site Visits 
Safety Gear Store offers an onsite service/calibration for gas detection monitors and other equipment such as escape sets if this is more suitable for you then please email or call 0800 678 5708 for a quotation.

Monthly Inspections
Monthly inspections of your equipment onsite can be arranged. Price depends on the number of items serviced and your location.

Delivery Address
Upon selecting this service one of our service agents will contact you to confirm your return delivery address and to inform you of our service centre address in which you will need to send your monitor(s).

Service/Calibration Enquiry Form

Calibration Service of MSA Altair 5X Multi Gas Detector

Gas Detected: Upto 5 Gasses
Type: Multi Gas Detector
Manufacturer: MSA
SKU: calibrate11
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Calibration Service of MSA Altair 5X Multi Gas Detector

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