
LoneAlert Lone Worker Instant SOS Fob

With built in GPS, a fall detection alert (man down alert) and a dedicated panic alarm, this range provides lone workers with a simple to use lone working solution that provides extra protection throughout their working day.

Product features:

- built in GPS to providepin point location accuracy should an incident occur

- geo fencing

- automatic fall detection which activates an alarm on the device

- dedicated panic alarm

- real time locations provide accurate movement of your lone worker

- impact sensor

- voice call

- one button check in and out

- easy to use

Size and weight:

height 61mm, width 43mm, depth 16mm, weight 35g.

Operating time:

- battery: chargeable 3.7V 800mAh

- operating temp: -20c to +80c


- dual-band 900/1800 or 850/1900MHz

About the system:


What is the O.W.L?

The O.W.L is the behind-the-scenes operating system of LONEALERT. It is the mechanics that enable all of LONEALERT’s devices to send appropriate alerts in any situation. This could be a lone worker's ‘check in’ expiring, with notifications being sent to supervisors, or someone in distress activating a panic alarm to our 24/7 monitoring centre. The O.W.L records all the information needed to ensure help can be sent to their exact location.


The O.W.L also gives authorised users a real-time view of lone worker activity, access to a wealth of both current and historic reporting information; and the status of both users and lone working devices on the account.


The O.W.L also allows clients to administer the account and escalation responses themselves if they wish, so changes and updates can be made extremely quickly.


Lonealert's O.W.L operating system uses patented and complex technology so appropriate action is taken to keep lone workers safe, in any given situation. This complex, ever-improving and ever-developing technology - which is written by Lonealerts’s in-house team of software developers - allows organisations to customise their own lone worker solutions. Every organisation - whatever their size or industry - has different lone worker protection needs depending on the roles, working locations and circumstances of their workforce. Lonealert’s O.W.L can be tailored to meet all of their individual needs and act accordingly to inform the right people with the right information immediately to ensure all lone workers are safe.



The O.W.L never sleeps. Lone workers will receive just as much protection in the middle of the night as they would at midday. The system is fully operational 24/7 - as is our fully staffed Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC). Whatever the time of day or night, if a worker raises an alarm, the specially tailored LONEALERT response procedure that is active at that time will kick into action, whether that be alerting a line manager via text or call, raising the alarm to staff at LONEALERT’s dedicated ARC so emergency services can be sent or alerting an organisation’s own control room.


The complex technology that has gone into creating the O.W.L means that lone workers can access the protection of LONEALERT’s Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) via any of our devices or solutions so they can activate lone worker protection quickly, easily and how best suits them at any given time. It also allows managers and designated admin staff to access the ARC from any internet-enabled device, wherever they are, by simply visiting LONEALERT’s website and logging in with their username and password, whilst control room operators are able to view all information provided by the O.W.L locally on screens or on wall-mounted monitors for optimised views.


In the event of an emergency, the O.W.L will push the relevant information for that lone worker and his/her situation out to the relevant people so the appropriate response can be sent.


Mangers or supervisors responsible for the care of lone workers can, for example, log in and check that all field staff have logged off safely at the end of a shift whilst an administrator can easily change user details, set up new users and pull up all H&S reports quickly.


A number of LONEALERT devices use GPS technology so workers can be easily located if they ever raise the alarm in time of distress or panic. With the exception of landlines and non-smartphones, all of the LONEALERT products are fitted with GPS so location information can be relayed to our Alarm Receiving Centre in the event of a fall or injury, enabling them to send help.


GPS can, however, be limited as it relies on line of sight to the sky to work so an even more accurate location may be required to get help to people working in a block of flats or warehouse, for example. All of our products allow lone workers to supplement GPS with other solutions to give more specific information, such as the text-in service. Smartphone App or LONEALERT Plus. Lone worker can specify that they are in Flat 5, Floor 6 of Nelson Mandela House so help can be sent immediately to their exact location if it is needed, or simply swipe RF Tags to log in to various pre defined locations.

What support does the O.W.L give?

The fully intuitive O.W.L works to provide lone workers with the best possible protection, whatever their job role and whatever they are.

  • Is always available
  • Is accessible anywhere
  • Allows supervisors or designated admin staff to view lone worker activity in real-time
  • Works out who is available to best assist a lone worker
  • Checks the specific protocols that are in place for you or your staff
  • Is easy to use and features lots of guides, instructions and tips to help you get the best out of it
  • Offers full and unlimited customer support and remote training to answer any questions you can’t answer yourself
  • Provides a full audit trail of all lone worker activity and incidents recorded

Due to the 24/7 nature of the O.W.L, all information is sent and received in real time to ensure lone workers are given the best possible protection at all times, whatever their shift patterns or location. If the panic button is pressed, for example, an alert will then be sent immediately so the company’s chosen response chain can be put straight into action and appropriate help sent. Similarly, if a worker ‘checks in’ to a shift, this information will be processed immediately so supervisors can monitor their staff are safely where they should be at any given moment - or be alerted if a worker fails to reach their destination so help can be sent if needed. Reports are also in real time and up to the minute.

What can the O.W.L tell me?

The O.W.L provides a full portfolio of information regarding lone workers so they have the best possible protection whilst they work. This includes:

  • Who is currently lone working
  • When a user last worked alone
  • How long a worker anticipates working for
  • When a lone worker device was last used
  • Where staff are working
  • Where staff have been
  • When staff have arrived and left certain points
  • Live/real-time statuses of all devices and lone workers
  • Specific escalation paths for each worker
  • Usage and alert history
  • Alarm history
  • License and billing status and control
  • Device allocation
  • Full history of all usage
  • All data is exportable so it can be combined with other data sources


Upon purchasing your lone worker device you will receive a lone-alert order reference, this is used to have your device & emergency contacts pre-programmed before dispatch. To have your device as quickly as possible please visit Lone Alert Registration once your order has been confirmed. 

LoneAlert Lone Worker Instant SOS Fob

Ideal for higher risk lone workers
Contract required 1 contract per monitor
Manufacturer: LONEALERT
£100.00 excl vat £120.00 inc vat

LoneAlert Lone Worker Instant SOS Fob

£100.00 excl vat £120.00 inc vat
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